1.Obey the general fitter's safe operation procedures and strictly follow the common tools and equipment safety operation rules of the fitter.2. Place the assembled parts in order on the parts storage rack and assembly station. If the parts are transp...

Procedimientos de operación de seguridad de torno mecánico
First, the basic precautions for safe operation:1. Wear overalls before operation, fasten clothes and cuffs, do not open work clothes, do not wear gloves, do not wear or change clothes around the machine, or cloth around the body to prevent machine ...

Procedimientos de operación técnica de seguridad de la perforadora
First, the operator must be familiar with the basic structure of the machine tool, performance and transmission system, lubrication parts, electrical and other basic knowledge and maintenance methods, the operator must pass the assessment before they ...

Procedimientos de operación técnica de seguridad de soldador con protección de gas
First, the preparation work before welding.1. The operator must hold an electric welding special operation operation permit to be employed, and the apprentice personnel must be operated under the guidance of experienced personnel holding the certifica...

Procedimientos de seguridad de remachado
1. Carefully check the various tools used before work: size hammer, flat hammer, punch and other tools that are subjected to hammering are free of burrs and scratches, whether the hammer has crack marks and whether the installation is strong. The top ...